Some Git cheatsheet
2 min readOct 25, 2019
I have been using Git from now and then for a while. Every time that I start using Github for some tasks, I feel like learning Git again. I’m thinking that it might be a good time to start putting things on my blog — you know what just happened!
A naïve Git development flow with co-workers (assuming everyone has the edit permission) is like the following:
- Git clone the entire project
- Make some local changes but don’t commit
- Git stash then git pull to get the latest version and avoid conflicts
- Then git stash pop to continue your work
- Git commit then immediately git push to submit your code
- If you run into race condition with your peer — they pushed the code before you then you might be in trouble.
To solve this issue, a better workflow which is more typical is the following:
- Git clone
- Create two local branches, one for working and one for keeping in sync
- Make sure only work on the working branch, and make commits as you want.
- Switch to sync branch, and pull latest code using git pull rebase
- Rebase sync to work, and resolve all the commits, which can take some time.
- Now you should have a stream line work branch, you can push it to remote!
And if anything happens, here are some comments coming to rescue:
Create empty branch:
git checkout --orphan empty-branch
Revert all local changes that are not submitted, including staged files
git reset --hard
Revert a file
# From head
git checkout FILENAME# From a local branch
git checkout BRANCH FILENAME
Pull remote branch to a local branch
# This can be used to create a new branch or update local version