Creation content in Emacs org mode, sharing in Google Docs in rich document
I love to write documents in Emacs, for the nice Org mode support / key bindings as well as the nice customizable interface in dark theme. Google drive is a great place to share documents and gather feedbacks. It would be great to combine the two. Ideally create the document in Emacs, and then upload it to Google Docs.
Inspired by I found that Org -> odt -> Google docs works the best in terms of preserving the styles. And here is an easy way to do exactly the same without writing a single line of code.
Step 1. Install Google drive desktop
Step 2. Sync org/ folder
This can be done by Preferences
-> Add folder.
The folders will be available on Google drive under Computers -> COMPUTER_NAME
Step 3. In Emacs, export the org file via `org-export-dispatch` or C-c C-e
Press o o
to get odt files in the same folder of your org file.
Step 4. Open the file in Google drive web page by right click -> Open With -> Google Docs. The .odt file will be converted to Google Docs and you can share / comment the new file.
And you’re all done. Not a single line of code has been written :-)